About Us

Thanks for checking us out!

We know you probably have lots of questions so hopefully we can answer some of them below:

Our Vision

The Presence of the Holy Spirit: God’s presence is central to all that we do, our programmes are designed to host the presence of God with a new emphasis on spontaneous worship and bold intercessory prayer to become central to our community. We long for worship that moves beyond singing songs and that goes deep into the heart of God as the Holy Spirit brings a revelation of Jesus Christ.

The Family of God: We are called to build the family of God in alignment with the great commission outlined in Matthew 28 where we are called to go, disciple, baptise and teach about the family, community and Kingdom of God modelled in Acts 2:42-47.

The Mission of Jesus Christ: Let us get out of the building and meet the community where they are. Meet with local people, develop partnerships with local organisations and share our stories of who Jesus is and what he has done in our lives in a positive and confident manner.

What We Value

Everyone Welcome: We believe in an inclusive church where every person feels welcome, regardless of their background, status, or ability, whether they are attending live or online.

Everyone Connected: We want to see everyone connected and feeling part of the Riverside family. We can achieve this in many ways, like joining in online conversations, but one of the main ways is through our Connect Groups.

Everyone Growing: We would love to see everyone growing spiritually in their faith and understanding of Jesus and all he has done for us, growing relationally through connecting and spending time with each other and walking together through our various joys and challenges.

Everyone Safe: We believe the church should be a safe space with safe people. We are working hard to ensure that everyone feels safe across all our programmes. We always endeavour to explain how God is moving in our services for those who may be new ensuring that we have an experienced team available for any support anyone may require. Our teams are safeguard trained and DBS checked.

Everyone Honoured: We really appreciate all the amazing people we have in our Riverside family and the incredible talents they bring to the church. We believe it is an important culture to celebrate, appreciate and honour each other.

Everyone Generous: We serve a generous God who lavishes his love, grace and mercy on us, and we believe in being a generous people with our time, talents and finances.

Everyone Loved: God is love, he models love all the way through the bible and we believe that as the family of God we should mirror his unconditional love to those both in and outside the church.

Everyone Happy: We are all about happiness! The bible says “The joy of the Lord is our Strength.” We enjoy spending time in God’s presence and in being in each other’s lives, sharing the incredible news of Jesus and life together. Even in the tough times!

What We Believe

We believe that the bible is the inspired Word of God.

We believe in one God, who has revealed Himself in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe in the virgin birth, sinless life, miraculous ministry, substitutionary death of Jesus Christ, His resurrection, His ascension into heaven and His second coming to bring everyone to account for their lives.

We believe in the fall of man, and his separation from God through sin.

We believe in salvation through faith in Christ, who died for our sins, and was raised for our peace with God and victory in the life he gives. Through His blood we have redemption.

We believe in water baptism.

We believe that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is an essential part of the Christian experience, designed to empower for service and witness.

We believe in the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of Christ in the Church today.

We believe that our primary vision is to become like Jesus in all we think, say and do.

We believe that deliverance from the devil’s authority, selfish habits and oppression is provided through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We believe in Breaking of Bread as an act of remembering the sacrificial act of Jesus on the cross.

We believe in both heaven and hell and that faith in the good news of Jesus Christ makes all of the difference.

Annual Report 2024

Take a look at our year